Gregory Bateson

This page links to texts on AnthroBase that contain substantial discussions of the work of Gregory Bateson.

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Ansatser til analyse af det brasilianske eksklusions-dispositiv

Nielsen, Morten


37 K

Artificial Life: A Technoscience Leaving Modernity? An Anthropology of Subjects and Objects Risan, Lars Christian ENG 975 K
The Eye of the Whirlwind. Russian Identity and Soviet Nation-Building. Quests for Meaning in a Soviet Metropolis [Abstract] [Index] Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG 1580 K
(incl. images)
The Living Landscape of Knowledge: An analysis of shamanism among the Duha Tuvinians of Northern Mongolia Kristensen, Benedikte Møller ENG 239 K
"Models of Social Complexity" - What is theory? Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG 22 K
Til verdens ende og tilbake: Antropologiens historie
Kapittel 4. Ekspansjon og institusjonsbygging
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland
Nielsen, Finn Sivert
NO 82 KB
What time is love? Techno/house-musikk: Symbolisering og ritualisering Olsen, Bror NO 339 K